Over-the-counter selling service for Retail Infrastructure Bond is available via Hang Seng Personal e-Banking and Hang Seng Mobile App with no service charge.
A wide variety of bonds and certificates of deposit are available for selection. Types of bonds for investment include government bonds, local quasi-government bonds, supranational bonds and corporate bonds. Certificates of Deposit (CDs) are issued by financial institutions such as banks. Bonds and CDs are available in major currencies including Renminbi. Tenors ranging from 1 to 10 years for bond investment and from 3 months to 3 years for CD investment are available.
What is Risk Tolerance Level?
Complete the form on Invest Express Mobile App for eligible bonds issued by US corporations.
A wide variety of bonds and
CDs[2]are available for selection.Bonds are debt instruments issued by governments, corporations or other issuers to bondholders. There are various types of bonds on the market including fixed rate bonds, floating rate bonds, zero coupon bonds and convertible bonds. Bondholders are effectively lending money to the bond issuer in return for the bond issuer’s promise to pay interest regularly over the life of the bond and repayment of principal at maturity.
Hang Seng Bank currently offers bonds denominated in the major currencies issued by governments (including the PRC government, the HKSAR government), local quasi-government bodies, supranational organisations and corporations. A wide selection of bonds with different investment tenors, ranging from 1 to 10 years with various benchmark yields is also available to suit different investors’ needs.
CD is a type of debt instrument similar to bond. CDs are issued by financial institutions such as banks. CD holders are effectively lending money to the CD issuers in return for the CD issuer’s promise to repay the principal with interest at maturity.
Hang Seng Bank offers investors with different types of CDs with various tenors and currency denominations to suit different investment objectives.The trading price of a bond may fluctuate based on the prevailing market conditions (such as prevailing market rates, any change in the credit rating of the bond and the supply and demand of similar bonds in the market), and may not be in line with the expectations of bondholders.
Suppose you are subscribing an Bond with following terms:
Invested Amount
Fixed Rate
Coupon Rate
3% p.a.
Face value
USD 100,000.00
Maturity Date
December 15, 2018
Interest payment of 3% every year Miss. Chin will receive an interest payment of USD3,000 (USD100,000 x 3%) every year before the maturity. On December 15, 2018, Miss. Chin will receive the final coupon payment of USD3,000 plus USD100,000 principal amount.
US$3,000 (US$100,000x3%)
US$3,000 (US$100,000x3%)
US$3,000 (US$100,000x3%)
US$3,000 (US$100,000x3%)
US$3,000 (US$100,000x3%)
US$3,000 (US$100,000x3%)
Sells the bond with market price If Miss. Chin sells the bond in June 2013 and the market price of the bond at that time is 102%, Miss. Chin will receive an accrued coupon payment of USD1,500 plus USD102,000 (102/100 x USD100,000) for the sale of the bond.
Invest USD98,000
Receive USD103,500 after redemption
May not receive the face value of the bond at maturity If the issuer becomes insolvent and defaults on its obligations under the bond on or before 15 December 2015, Miss. Chin will not receive any interest amount since last coupon payment date and in the worst case, Miss. Chin may not receive the face value of the bond at maturity.
Invest USD98,000
US$3,000 (US$100,000x3%)
US$3,000 (US$100,000x3%)
Issuer defaults
This is the party that borrows the money. Bonds are commonly classified by the nature of their issuer, for example, corporate bonds (issued by companies or their subsidiaries), government bonds (such as Exchange Fund Notes issued by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority), and bonds issued by supranational organisations (like the World Bank).
This is also called the par value or face value. It is the amount repaid to the bondholder when the bond matures.
Coupon rate
This is the rate at which the issuer pays interest on the principal to the bondholder each year. Interest payments are normally made at regular intervals, e.g. annually, semi-annually, quarterly. For Certificate of Deposit, the interest payment is usually paid at maturity. The coupon rate can be fixed, where it does not change over the term of the bond. It can be floating, where it is reset periodically according to a predetermined benchmark, such as HIBOR plus a spread. The coupon rate can even be zero. A zero-coupon bond is usually sold at a price below its principal. The bondholder's return is then the difference between the purchase price and the principal repaid on maturity.
Coupon Frequency
The regular intervals that interest payments are normally made, e.g. annually, semi-annually, quarterly.
This is the life of the bond, i.e. the period (usually a number of years) over which the issuer has promised to meet its obligations under the bond. Some bonds can be "perpetual" in the sense that they do not have a fixed maturity date.
Some bonds are guaranteed by a third party called a guarantor. If the issuer defaults, the guarantor agrees to repay the principal and/or interest to the bondholder.
Maturity date
Bondholder will receive the principal and accrued interest on this date.
Bond yields
Bond yield is the amount of return an investor realises on a bond. There are several types of bond yield measures. Actual yield of bonds will depend on the subscription or purchase price and may be higher or lower than the specified coupon rate. Current yield, yield to maturity (YTM), and yield to call (YTC) are the three commonly used bond yield measures.
Current yield
The annualised rate of return calculated by simply dividing the current annual coupon of a bond by its price.
Yield to maturity
The rate of return anticipated on a bond if it is held until maturity. YTM is usually expressed as an annual rate of return.
Yield to call
The rate of return of a callable bond which is held until the call date. The yield will only become valid if the bond is called before maturity.
To learn more about Bonds, please visit "The Chin Family" website
Winning through stability –
Bond investment and volatile marketsBonds market outlook (Cantonese version)
Latest market focus – Bonds (Cantonese Version)
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Fixed income market outlook
Financial breakfast (Cantonese version)
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Comprehensive Bonds/CDs Investments
experience is just a few steps away[6]PI - Professional Investors
WMC - Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect[4]
Comm - Communication Services
Condis - Consumer Discretionary
Constp - Consumer Staples
Div - Diversified
En - Energy
Fin - Financials
Go - Government
Health - Health care
Ind - Industrials
Mat - Materials
RE - Real Estate
Tech - Technology
Util - Utilities
For details, please view our [eligible retail bond list] for Southbound Service or call our Cross-boundary WMC hotlines at (852) 2912 3456 (Hong Kong) or (86) 4001 20 3456 (Mainland).
Hotlines details:
Applicable to Hong Kong and Mainland:
Office hour of Cross-boundary WMC Hotline is Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., except weekend and Hong Kong Public Holiday.
Applicable to Mainland:
The toll-free enquiry hotline allows you to contact us for free even while staying on the Mainland. The toll-free hotline can be accessed from mobile lines, fixed telephone lines, payphones and call cards and is free of IDD charges.
Please contact the relevant service supplier for details. Customer agrees to be bound by the terms and conditions for the service provided by service providers, which may be amended from time to time. For any claims, disputes and complaints regarding such service and information, customer should refer directly to service providers. Hang Seng Bank Limited (Hang Seng Hong Kong) assumes no responsibilities for such service.