We recommend using a computer web browser or Hang Seng Mobile App to log on for enhanced security. Please visit "Security Information Centre" for more security tips.
Please visit our website at www.hangseng.com, select “Logon” on the top right and then click “Register e-Banking” with instructions to be followed. Account Number, Phone PIN / ATM PIN and HKID / Passport / Identification Document number (e.g. Exit/Entry Permit for Travelling to and from Hong Kong and Macau) will be required to complete the activation process.
Please visit https://www.hangseng.com/en-hk/online/faq or contact our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2822 0228 (select preferred language and press 5, 1, 1, 8) to speak to our Customer Service Representative.
Mobile Security Key is a digital version of Security Device within the Hang Seng Personal Banking mobile app and is used to generate one-time use Security Codes in order to log on to Personal e-Banking and access a full range of online banking services.
You will no longer need to use your physical Security Device as this will be deactivated once you activated your Mobile Security Key. New physical Security Device is no longer issued effective from 1 July 2022.
If you forget your password, input your username on the log on page as usual and then click "Forgot your password?". Then please follow the screen instructions to reset your password.
If you have already set up Security Question in Personal e-Banking, then you can follow the instruction to reset your password online immediately. Otherwise, you can follow the instruction to set up a new password, and activate it by contacting our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2822 0228 or visit any of our branches.
You can change Personal e-Banking password via Personal e-Banking. After logon, select "Manage Password" (or "Change Password") in "Manage Security" under the Customer Services Section.
You can use your ATM Card to reset Phone PIN via any Hang Seng ATM in Hong Kong (select “Other Services” under Main Menu). Phone PIN can also be requested via Personal e-Banking channel by selecting “Account Services” → “Other Related Services.”
If your corresponding address is in Mainland China, you can also contact Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2822 0228 or 4001 20 8282 (Toll-free Enquiry Hotline for Customers Staying on the Mainland). You can request for Phone PIN request after selecting preferred language and pressing 8, 4. The new Phone PIN will be delivered to you via courier. Upon receipt of new PIN, you can activate related service via mail (by sending completed acknowledgement receipt to us) or phone.
Please visit our website at www.hangseng.com → “Personal Banking” → “More Banking Services” → “Phone Banking”. You can also contact Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2822 0228 (select preferred language and press 8, 4) to speak to our Customer Service Representative.
You can register third party accounts and set up transfer limit by completing relevant forms on our website. Upon successful registration, you can transfer to third party accounts via Personal e-Banking or Phone Banking service.
Form download path: www.hangseng.com → “Personal Banking” → ”Forms”
a. To conduct transfers / remittance via Phone Banking or Personal e-Banking, common forms can be downloaded under “Account Services” section:
o Hang Seng Personal e-Banking Telegraphic Transfer / CHATS Designated Beneficiary Registration Form
o Personal Phone Banking Telegraphic Transfer / CHATS Designated Beneficiary Registration Form
o Daily Limit Maintenance / Request for Security Device Form
o Registered Account Transfer Application / Amendment Form
b. To conduct transfers / remittance via branch, common forms can be downloaded under “Payment Services” section:
o Hang Seng Comprehensive Direct Debit Authorisation Form
o Remittance Smartform
You can request for ATM PIN reset by logging onto Personal e-Banking and selecting “Account Overview” → “Other Related Services” → “ATM Services#”
If your corresponding address is in Mainland China, you can also contact Customer Service Hotline for ATM PIN reset request. For Prestige Banking customers, please contact 4001 20 9188 (Toll-free Enquiry Hotline for Customers Staying on the Mainland); for Preferred Banking customers, please contact (852) 2822 8228 (Select language → Enter account number → Press “#” → Enter Phone PIN → Press “5, 2, 1”)*. New ATM PIN will be sent to your corresponding address in Mainland China via courier.
# The subject application requires Security Device for verification
* The subject application requires Phone PIN for verification
You can update overseas ATM withdrawal limit via Personal e-Banking. Select “Account Services" upon logon → “Other Related Services" → “ATM Services“ → “Maintain Overseas ATM Daily Withdrawal and Cash Advanced Limit".
You can also update overseas ATM withdrawal limit via our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2822 0228, Hang Seng Bank or HSBC ATMs in Hong Kong or our Hang Seng branches.
To create a low-carbon and sustainable future, we always encourage the use of e-Statement / e-Advice. You can register e-Statement / e-Advice via Hang Seng Mobile App or Personal e-Banking (Desktop version).
o Hang Seng Mobile App: Tap “Settings” upon log on → “My Profile" → “e-Statement / e-Advice Setting”, or
o Personal e-Banking (Desktop version): Click “Settings” → “Account List and maintain e-Statement / e-Advice”
You can also visit our branch or contact our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2822 0228 (select preferred language and press 8, 4) to speak to our Customer Service Representative.
Please visit our branch or contact our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2822 0228. You can also update your RPQ via our website www.hangseng.com by logging onto Personal e-Banking and selecting “Investments” → “Other Related Services” → “Risk Profiling Questionnaire.”
You can order cheque book via Personal e-Banking. Select “Account Services" upon logon → “Other Related Services“ → “Request“ → “Cheque Book".
You can also order cheque book via our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2822 0228, ATMs (After entering ATM PIN, select “Other services” → “Request cheque-book” → select “Small” or “Large” single colour cheque-book) or visit our branch.
To protect your interest, you can update your identification document record maintained with us by visiting any of our branch in person. After your identity is successfully identified by us, you would be invited to fill out a designated application form to be provided by our staff. We would also ask you to provide us with the new original identification documents for verification and copying. To safeguard customer against the risks of fraud and financial crime, we do not accept email or mail instructions to update customer’s identification document.
You can update your personal contact information via Hang Seng Mobile App or Personal e-Banking (Desktop version).
o Hang Seng Mobile App: Tap “Settings & Security” upon log on → “Account & personal particulars" → "Update personal particulars", or
o Personal e-Banking (Desktop version): Click “Customer Services" upon log on → “Account Maintenance“ → “Personal Particulars“
Please note that Security Device or Mobile Security Key and a valid mobile number / email address in the bank’s record for receiving notification are required for updating personal contact information online.
You can also contact our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2822 0228 (Phone banking PIN required) or visit our branch.
Please refer to Descriptive information of Personal Account Operations for information concerning your saving deposit account, current deposit account, time deposit account, phone banking service and various payment services, etc.
Payments can be made via Personal e-Banking service:
1. Click “New Payee” after logon
2. Select “Insurance companies”
3. Choose the respective insurance company
4. Enter bill account number
5. Select Bill Type “01 PREMIUM”
6. Enter amount and select debit account
7. Click “Proceed”
8. Verify bill payment details then click “Confirm” to proceed
Before paying bills online, please remember to check and ensure sufficient daily bill payment limit (Maximum limit HKD$300,000).
Pre-registration is required for payees under Banking and Credit Card Services, Brokers, Other Financial Institutions, and Sports and Leisure. You can submit “Personal e-Banking and Automated Phone Banking Bill Payment Registration / Amendment Form” to branch or by mail. The form is available at Personal e-Banking portal by selecting “Customer Services” → “Form Download.”
For other merchants, you can log onto Personal e-Banking and select “Bills and Payments” → “New Payee” to proceed. Mobile Security Key or Security Device is required when conducting bill payments. Besides, you must have maintained a valid mobile number (any local 8-digit mobile number begins with "5", "6", "8" or "9" or overseas mobile number with country / region code specified, e.g. 8613510123456 for a China mobile number) for receiving SMS alert to perform this type of payments.
You can check the respective limits at Personal e-Banking:
1. Select “Customer Services” upon logon
2. Select “Transfer/Bill Payment Limit”
3. Check respective limits under “Insurance Companies”
When an account has no activities after a specified period of time (other than transactions initiated by the Bank such as interest, fees and charges), the account will be classified as inactive or dormant. When an account became inactive or dormant, debit and/or credit transactions will be restricted until the account is reactivated. For types of accounts and inactivity period, please refer to the list below.
You can perform a transaction with your account(s) at least once within the time period as stated below, such as making a withdrawal, performing bill payments or inward/outward transfers at any channels including ATM, online banking, or manned channels.
Type of Account
Perform a transaction at least once within the time period below, otherwise, the account will become dormant
Please ensure that at least one of your deposit accounts with Hang Seng is in active status. To do so, make sure you conduct regular transactions including withdrawal or deposits. Please note that interests and charges, and transactions related to credit/debit interest are NOT considered as a transaction that would keep the account active.
If you have a valid mobile phone number recorded at the Bank, Personal e-Banking registered and Mobile Security Key / Security Device activated, you can now reactivate your inactive / dormant account via Personal e-Banking / Personal Mobile Banking. You can select up to 3 accounts per request. If you have more than 3 accounts for reactivation, please submit the request separately.
If you do not have a valid mobile phone number, or you have not registered for Personal e-Banking, or your Mobile Security Key / Security Device is not activated, then please contact our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2822 0228 or visit our branches for assistance.
The instruction to reactivate inactive / dormant account will be handled according to the following timeline, we will notify you by SMS and / or Email once the instruction has been completed:.
1 working day to process if submitted before 9pm (Monday to Friday) or 6pm (Saturday);
2 working days to process if submitted after the above cut-off time or on public holiday.
The first notification is an acknowledgement of your account reactivation request.
The second notification is the confirmation of account reactivation i.e. whether it is processed successfully or not.
However, there might be a rare situation that you might receive duplicated notification on acknowledgment of the account reactivation request caused by re-submission of request after the system cut-off time.
To access "Reactive Inactive Account" service, please ensure that you have a valid mobile phone number recorded in the Bank and activated Mobile Security Key or Security Device.
After submitting the request, it will take 1 to 2 working days for us to process while duplicate submission for the same request would be rejected. We will inform you by SMS / Email once your request is effective.
If you have received an unsuccessful notification, please jot down or record the reference code (if any) and call our Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2822 0228 or visit any of our branches for assistance.
To access "Reactive Inactive Account" service, please ensure that you have a valid mobile phone number recorded/ registered with the Bank and activated Mobile Security Key/ Security Device.
Your account reactivation submission via e-Banking will not affect the subsequent application through other channel(s). However, if the account is already closed / not found, your reactivation request will not be able to proceed irrespective of the submission channel.