Frequently Asked Questions

Hang Seng Personal e-Banking

Phone Banking Service

  • Please visit our website at → “Personal Banking” → “More Banking Services” → “Phone Banking”. You can also contact Customer Service Hotline at (852) 2822 0228 (select preferred language and press 8, 4) to speak to our Customer Service Representative.


  • You can register third party accounts and set up transfer limit by completing relevant forms on our website. Upon successful registration, you can transfer to third party accounts via Personal e-Banking or Phone Banking service.

    Form download path: → “Personal Banking” → ”Forms”

    a. To conduct transfers / remittance via Phone Banking or Personal e-Banking, common forms can be downloaded under “Account Services” section:
    o Hang Seng Personal e-Banking Telegraphic Transfer / CHATS Designated Beneficiary Registration Form
    o Personal Phone Banking Telegraphic Transfer / CHATS Designated Beneficiary Registration Form
    o Daily Limit Maintenance / Request for Security Device Form
    o Registered Account Transfer Application / Amendment Form
    b. To conduct transfers / remittance via branch, common forms can be downloaded under “Payment Services” section:
    o Hang Seng Comprehensive Direct Debit Authorisation Form
    o Remittance Smartform


Banking Services

Bills and Payments

  • You can check the respective limits at Personal e-Banking:
    1. Select “Customer Services” upon logon
    2. Select “Transfer/Bill Payment Limit”
    3. Check respective limits under “Insurance Companies”

Reactivate Inactive Account

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