Travelsure Protection Plan

The above general insurance plan is underwritten by Chubb Insurance Hong Kong Limited ("Chubb").

Plan overview

Travelsure Protection Plan (“Travel Insurance”) offers Single Trip Cover, Annual Global Cover and Annual China Cover to meet your different travel insurance needs. It also offers various protection, including trip cancellation or delay, participating in winter or water sports and more.

This Travel Insurance is underwritten by Chubb Insurance Hong Kong Limited ("Chubb"). 

Apply now

Key features

This Travel Insurance covers the medical expenses and emergency assistance arising from sickness or accident during the trip, include:

  • Overseas Hospital Admission Deposit up to HKD20,000 (under Chubb Assistance – 24 Hour Worldwide Assistance Services)
  • Hospital Cash benefit for hospitalisation due to Bodily Injury or Sickness (not applicable to Annual China Cover Basic Plan)
  • Follow-up Medical Expenses up to 90 days after return to Hong Kong, for the treatment of the same Bodily Injury or Sickness arose during the trip
  • Expenses for Trauma Counselling within 90 days from the occurrence of a traumatic event, when the Insured is the victim and sustains Bodily Injury due to that traumatic event
  • Expenses for Mobility Extension for the equipment and installation/modification if the Insured sustains Permanent Total Disability arising from Bodily Injury during the trip
  • Hotel accommodation and transport expenses provided that the Insured Person is recommended by Physician to convalesce immediately before continuing with the Journey after hospital confinement overseas and the original scheduled ticket is forfeited
  • Transport and escort services expenses for the escorting the child back to Hong Kong, and Compassionate Visit expenses covering the transport and accommodation expenses for visiting the Insured Person who is unfit to travel, endangered or suffers from death due to Bodily Injury or Sickness (under Chubb Assistance – 24 Hour Worldwide Assistance Services)
  • Accidental death, loss of limb(s), eyesight, hearing, speech or Permanent Total Disability and
  • Compassionate Death Cash for sustaining Bodily Injury on the Journey leading to Accidental death or Sickness leading to death within 12 months

This Travel Insurance covers (not applicable to Annual China Cover Basic Plan):

  • Loss of cash, banknotes or cheques (excluding digital currency); and
  • Replacement cost of travel documents and/or travel tickets; and
  • Additional transport and/or accommodation expenses for arranging the replacement travel documents and/or travel tickets

Within the 12 months following Bodily Injury during the Journey causing Accidental death or Permanent Total Disability, this policy will reimburse the Hang Seng Credit Card bill of the Insured Person spent at the date of the accident, including credit card interest and charges at the date of the accident.

This Travel Insurance covers the loss, theft or damage to your personal belongings during the trip, including baggage, laptop, mobile phone (20% excess is applied), etc.

Losses must be reported to the police within 24 hours and written police report is required. For losses occurred in transport, the Public transport Carrier must be notified and written report is required.

This coverage (applicable to Single Trip Cover Standard Plan / Annual Global Cover only) includes the cost of purchasing essential toiletries and clothing when checked-in baggage is delayed, misdirected or temporarily misplaced by a Public Transport Carrier for at least 10 consecutive hours from the time of arrival at destination's transport terminal.

This Travel Insurance (not applicable to Annual China Cover Basic Plan) offers reimbursement of the pre-paid and unused tour or transportation fare, accommodation deposit and / or cost of admission ticket to major sporting event, musical concert, museum or theme park arising from trip cancellation and/or curtailment due to specific events.

This Travel Insurance plan covers (not applicable to Annual China Cover Basic Plan and only one of the compensations is available):


Travel delay

  • Cash Benefit for the first 6 hours and every 8 hours of travel delay; or
  • Reimbursement for the additional or forfeited accommodation expenses outside Hong Kong if the delay exceeds 24 consecutive hours


In the event of delay of a Public Transport for at least 8 consecutive hours or the unexpected issuance of Black Alert at the destination after commencement of the journey, and the journey has to be re-routed, this insurance will cover:

  • The lost transport and/or accommodation expenses paid in advance or forfeited by the Insured Person after departing from Hong Kong; or
  • Reasonable additional transport and/or accommodation incurred by an Insured Person to enable him or her to arrive at their scheduled destination
  • Re-routing due to Black Alert is not covered in Annual China Cover Standard Plan

This coverage (applicable to Single Trip Cover / Annual Global Cover only) includes reimburse the insurance excess that is legally liable to be paid by the Insured Person, due to the loss or damage to a rental vehicle caused by an accident while under the Insured Person's control during the Journey.

Coverage overview

Mainland China and Macau - Basic Plan

Asia[1] and worldwide - Standard Plan























Not Applicable 












Not Applicable




China Cover - Basic Plan

China Cover - Standard Plan

















Not Applicable



Not Applicable 












Not Applicable

Not Applicable


Not Applicable



Not Applicable



Not Applicable



Not Applicable






Not Applicable

Not Applicable







Note(s): The information above is for reference only, you can refer to the plan coverage and Policy Wording for details.

Product information

Travelsure Protection Plan - Single Trip Coverage

Ms. Leung slipped in the lift lobby at the hotel while she was staying in Korea.

  1. Before the trip

    She applied for Travelsure Protection Plan  – Single Trip Coverage

  2. Upon hospital admission in Korea

    • Her travel companion called the Chubb Assistance hotline to refer and arrange for a translator to communicate with the doctor, as they did not speak Korean
    • It was diagnosed that her injury was rather severe
    • The doctor advised her to get back to Hong Kong for immediate medical treatment
    • The Chubb Assistance team then arranged medical repatriation for her, including the ambulance and flight arrangements back to Hong Kong
  3. When waiting for the flight back to Hong Kong at the airport

    Her mobile phone and tablet computer were stolen

  4. When the insurance is claimed

    Ms. Leung successfully claimed the following losses:

    • Medical expenses in Korea
    • Non-refundable prepaid cost of Booked Holidays arising from the trip curtailment
    • Extra travelling expenses for medical repatriation
    • Follow up medical treatment in Hong Kong
    • The loss of her mobile phone and tablet computer

    Total compensated amount: HKD81,000

TravelSure Protection Plan - Annual Global Coverage

Ms. Chau was about to take off for a trip, but had to cancel due to the sudden death of an immediate family member from an acute disease.

  1. Before the trip

    She applied for Travelsure Protection Plan – Annual Global Coverage

  2. Before the take off for the trip

    She suffered the loss of a loved one, and her travel plan was disrupted and cancelled

  3. When the insurance is claimed

    She was fully compensated for the non-refundable prepaid costs of the air tickets and hotel accommodation

    Total compensated amount: HKD21,000

The payment was directly credited through autopay into her designated bank account


  • This Policy is only valid for travels originating from Hong Kong
  • The insured age of the Single Trip Coverage has no upper limit; the Annual Trip Coverage is only available to those under 75 years old (at the policy effective date)


Popular questions

No, customers must purchase Travelsure Protection Plan prior to your departure from Hong Kong.

Yes, Travelsure Protection Plan provides cover for business travel (limited to administrative, clerical and non-manual works only).

No. Travelsure Protection Plan does not cover injury or death caused by any labour work. So you should approach the insurer who issued your helper's employee insurance for an extension of the protection to overseas work.

Yes, Travel Insurance is designed for people going abroad as a visitor for leisure or on business trips. The scope of coverage is different from a life insurance plan.


Single trip cover: there is no age limit.

Annual cover: The Insured Person(s) must be between 18 to 74 years old, while child(ren) must be under 18 years old (at the policy Commencement Date or Renewal Date).

Point to note when applying for child(ren) under 18 years old who do(es) not travel with parent:

  • Please select "Friends/relatives" to proceed online application.

Single trip cover: Yes, you can enroll for all travel companion(s) other than your spouse and/or your child(ren), please select under "Friends/relatives", the premium will be calculated based on the number of "Friends/relatives" as selected.
Annual cover: You can enroll for your spouse, child(ren) and/or parent(s).

Coverage related

No. The travel warning issued by the World Health Organisation against a certain country or region shall have no bearing upon the protection provided by this plan. However, it is suggested that an insured should closely observe the development of the relevant situation as any orders promulgated subsequently by the government may affect the insured's journey and the protection under this plan.

Annual Coverage:

  • Period of insurance: one year from the Commencement or Renewal Date
  • Maximum coverage period for each journey is the earliest of:
    1. up to 60 days (inclusive of the date of departure); or
    2. 3 hours after the Insured Person passed through Hong Kong immigration control point on their return to Hong Kong; or
    3. At the end of the Period of Insurance.
  • There is no limit on the number of journeys during the covered year.

Single Trip Cover: the maximum coverage period is 6 months.

Under Basic Plan of the Annual China Cover, if the Insured Person sustains bodily injury caused by an assault during a robbery while traveling in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong SAR) or Macau SAR, which leads to death or permanent disability, the original Personal Accident benefit of HKD200,000 will be doubled to HKD400,000.

Applicable to Single Trip Cover and Annual Global Cover only.

Insured Person can enjoy policy benefits under issuance of 'Black Alert' or 'Red Alert' in the planned destination:

Before the trip:

  • Trip Cancellation benefit up to HKD30,000

During the trip:

  • Trip Curtailment benefit up to HKD30,000 ; or
  • Re-routing (Black Alert only) up to HKD10,000; and
  • Free 10-days policy extension


For 'Black Alert', the Insured Person can be reimbursed the relevant loss up to the maximum Sum Insured. For 'Red Alert', reimbursement will be up to 50% of the relevant loss and the maximum Sum Insured.

Emergency assistance and China Emergency Card

As long as the condition is covered under the policy, you can enjoy the insurance protection when admitted to non-designated hospitals outside the hospital list. But, please note that the guarantee of hospital admittance deposit in the case for admission to non-designated hospitals is up to HKD20,000. You must also obtain the original copy of the hospital or medical receipt with the diagnosis certified by the attending doctor and settle such medical expenses first. And then file a claim when you return to Hong Kong.

The China Emergency Card is applicable to hospital admission only. If you only visit an out-patient clinic, you need to pay the consultation fee, get a receipt and medical certificate, and then file a claim when you return to Hong Kong. Make sure the medical practitioner treating you is licensed by the competent medical authorities.

If you need any emergency assistance during your trip, please call our Chubb Assistance – 24 Hour Emergency Assistance Hotline at (852) 3723 3030.

Your eChina Emergency Card will be attached in the confirmation email of your enrolled policy of Annual Global Cover or Annual China Cover.

In such event, you should:

  • Check the hospital list and call the Chubb 24-Hour Emergency Hotline at (852) 3723 3030 for assistance.
  • Go to the nearest appointed hospital and present the following documents to the hospital admission staff:
    • Chubb Assistance China Emergency Card
    • Travel document, e.g. Re-entry Permit, HKID or Passport
  • Keep all hospital receipts and pass them onto Chubb Insurance Hong Kong Limited for claims handling within 30 days after you are discharged

All information provided on the hospital list is subject to change without prior notice. Please contact the 24-hour Chubb Emergency Hotline for assistance.

For cases involving hospitalisation, you must present the China Emergency Card to be eligible for the fast-track admission service. Otherwise you will have to pay the expenses first and then file a claim or contact our 24-hour emergency service for assistance.

Yes, you just need to download the eChina Emergency Card from the policy confirmation email/ renewal confirmation email. There is no card replacement cost.

Managing policy

No, application for the Travelsure Protection Plan for the purpose of emigration will not be accepted and the policy will become invalid when you emigrate to an overseas country or territory.

Prior to the expiry date of the policy, you can call the Customer Services Hotline at (852) 3191 6668 (Mondays to Fridays, 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., closed on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) to apply for a policy extension. Chubb Team will review and process the policy extension request. The policy will only be effective when such application has been approved and the premium for the extended period has been paid.

To ensure a continuous coverage, your policy will be renewed automatically upon the expiry date for 1 year and the annual premium will be debited from the credit card provided. The renewal insurability is subject to the terms and conditions in the renewal notice and policy wording.

If you do not wish to renew the policy, you should notify Chubb after receiving the renewal notice.


No, you should submit your claim to the Travel Industry Compensation Fund for compensation.

No, cancellation of the journey as a result of administration arrangements of the travel agency are not covered by the Travel Insurance.

In the event of trip cancellation due to unexpected outbreak of natural disaster (such as Landslide, earthquake, volcanic eruption, tsunami, typhoon or hurricane) at the scheduled destination arising within 7 days before the departure date of the journey, the Travel Insurance will pay the Insured Person the Booked Holidays forfeited.

(Not applicable to Annual China Cover – Basic Plan)

Make a claim

Claim procedures

Find details on how to submit your claim and more.

Download form

You can find all forms and documents here for our insurance policies.

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Other point(s) to note

  1. The above general insurance plan ("this Plan") is underwritten by Chubb Insurance Hong Kong Limited (“Chubb”) which is authorised and regulated in Hong Kong SAR by the Insurance Authority. Chubb reserves the right of final approval of the policy issuance. Hang Seng Bank Limited ("Hang Seng Bank") is registered as an insurance agency by the Insurance Authority (License No.: FA3168) and authorised by Chubb for distribution of this Plan. This Plan is a product of Chubb and not Hang Seng Bank. Upon application to this Plan, insurance premium will be payable to Chubb, and Chubb will provide Hang Seng Bank with commission and performance bonus as remuneration for distribution of this Plan. The existing staff remuneration policy on sales offered by Hang Seng Bank takes into account various aspects of the staff performance instead of focusing solely on the sales amount.
  2. In respect of an eligible dispute (as defined in the Terms of Reference for the Financial Dispute Resolution Centre in relation to the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme) arising between Hang Seng Bank and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, Hang Seng Bank is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however, any dispute over the contractual terms of the insurance product, underwriting, claims and policy service should be resolved directly between Chubb and the customer.
  3. The above information is intended to be a general summary for reference only. Please refer to the policy wording for exact terms, conditions and details of the exclusions.


  1. Including mainland China, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, Guam, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Laos, Macau SAR, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Saipan, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, Tinian and Vietnam.
  1. Terms and Conditions apply.
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