MPF e-Services Summary

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Hang Seng MPF offers various e-Services to employers and members for easy MPF management.

MPF e-Services Summary

Employer e-Services

Employer e-Services

To assist employers with reporting MPF contribution details more effectively every month, Hang Seng MPF offers various electronic methods for you to handle the MPF contributions for your employees.

  • Preload each employee’s latest contribution record for employer’s easy reference
  • Automatically calculate both employer’s and employee’s MPF mandatory contributions in respect of each employee according to the relevant income input by employers
  • You can add new staff and report terminated employees if necessary, and set up the direct debit date for settlement of contributions
  • If you've applied for autopay services via Hang Seng Business e-Banking, you can also manage employees’ payrolls and MPF contributions on the same platform more efficiently
  • View Hang Seng Business e-Banking User Guide for MPF and Payroll Services for details
  • Each month, employers will receive an encrypted email with the electronic remittance statement attached
  • You can update and modify your employee's preloaded contribution records and submit the electronic remittance statement via our designated encrypted "SecureMail" account and channel
  • Hang Seng MPF supports some third-party HR software to calculate MPF contribution
  • Minimise input mistakes with data validation and input-checking functions
  • For companies or enterprises that have already set up their internal system to handle and calculate MPF contributions, Hang Seng MPF can support a customised file interface for employers to suit their needs on electronic submission
  • Please contact us at (852) 2288 6822 for special arrangement

For details, you can contact Hang Seng MPF Employer Direct at (852) 2288 6822 to learn more.

Email notification

For employers who have registered email address with us, we'll remind them to submit contributions by email before the contribution day of each month. Also, after received the remittance statement, we'll send an email acknowledgement of receipt of the remittance statement[1] to relevant employers.

You can register or update your email address using the Change of Employers Details Form.

Member e-Services

Hang Seng Personal e-Banking and mobile app provide MPF service features to help you manage MPF anytime, anywhere.

  Hang Seng Personal e-Banking Hang Seng Personal Banking mobile app
Account service (consolidate MPF personal accounts)   Yes
Check account and fund balance Yes Yes
Check account return Yes Yes
Check contribution history

Yes (For the latest 24 months only)

Yes (For the latest 12 months only)

Check transaction history

Yes (For the latest 24 months only)

Yes (For the latest 12 months only)

Change investment instructions

Yes (For Portfolio Rebalance, Asset Switch, Contribution Redirection and switch into Default Investment Strategy ('DIS') only)

Yes (For Portfolio Rebalance, Asset Switch, Contribution Redirection and switch into Default Investment Strategy ('DIS') only)

Check latest unit prices and fund cumulative performance Yes Yes
Check fund information Yes Yes
Check MPF e-Statement / e-Advice[2] Yes  
Change contact details and e-Banking password Yes

Yes (Change contact details only)

Email notification

Employees who have registered their email addresses with us will receive an email notification when we’ve processed the contributions from employers. Employees can register or update their email addresses using the Personal Details Change Form.

Useful information

Call us

MPF service hotline

Members / Self-employed person: (852) 2213 2213

HKSARG Employees: (852) 2269 2269

MPF Employer Direct

Enquires / Apply for MPF

Need more help?

Make an e-Appointment



  1. Exclude remittance statement received through Hang Seng Business e-Banking, as the acknowledgement of receipt of remittance statement has already been provided to employers on Hang Seng Business e-Banking upon successful submission.
  2. View the steps on how to register for the MPF e-Statement / e-Advice and Terms and Conditions for MPF e-Statement / e-Advice Service for details.