Successfully apply for QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) with promo code "INCOME" to enjoy up to 4.38% guaranteed return upon maturity and receive life insurance coverage!
The QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) ("QuickReward" or "the Plan") are short-term life insurance plans with saving element underwritten by Hang Seng Insurance Company Limited ("Hang Seng Insurance"). Neither bank deposit nor banking savings plan, these plans are designed as a short policy term of 1-year life protection and provide a Guaranteed Cash Value upon maturity to help you to prepare for unforeseen expenses with wealth protection. Application is easy - simply submit your application online.
QuickReward received a 10/10 score on Short Term Savings Insurance from 10Life, an insurance information and comparison platform.[2] You can also compare the two endowment plans from Hang Seng Insurance with the comparison table below to learn more wealth management solutions.1 year
1 year
Up to:
2.75% (HKD) / 3.90% (USD) / 2.00% (RMB)HKD / USD / RMB
Single Premium
Single Premium
HKD Plan
HKD60,000 / HKD80,000 / HKD120,000 / HKD180,000USD Plan
USD7,500 / USD10,000 / USD15,000 /USD22,500RMB Plan
RMB60,000 / RMB80,000 / RMB120,000 / RMB180,000 / RMB250,000 / RMB500,000Equals to 101% of Total Premium Paid for the Basic Plan as at the date of the death of the Life Insured less indebtedness (if any)
Equals to 10% of Total Premiums Paid under the Basic Plan less indebtedness (if any)
The above information is intended as a general summary of endowment life insurance of Hang Seng Insurance for reference only. It shall not be construed as an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer or recommendation of any products. Customer should explore short term endowment life insurance based on their insurance needs and affordability, and no advice has been given by Hang Seng Bank.
Mr. Chan wants to meet his goal of steady wealth growth in uncertain market conditions but also want to manage his wealth effectively. So he chooses QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) of HKD policy with single payment of HKD176,922 to accumulate wealth with ease.
Policy starts
Single premium: HKD176,922
End of year 1
Receive Guaranteed Cash Value upon policy maturity
HKD181,800 (102.75% of total premium paid)
With a single premium paid, Mr. Chan can enjoy 2.75% annualised return and receive up to 102.75% Guaranteed Cash Value upon maturity.
Mr. Wong keeps his savings in multiple currencies to diversify risks and would also like to accumulate wealth. So he chooses the USD policy of QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) with single payment of USD14,580.00. He would like to further grow his wealth with RMB as well, so he applies for the RMB policy of QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) with single payment of RMB495,050.
Policy starts
1st policy with USD payment
Single premium: USD14,580.00
6 months later
Start of 2nd policy with RMB payment
Single premium: RMB495,050
End of year 1
Receive Guaranteed Cash Value upon maturity of policy with USD payment
USD15,150 (103.90% of total premium paid)
End of year 1.5
Receive Guaranteed Cash Value upon maturity of policy with RMB payment
RMB505,000 (102.00% of total premium paid)
With 2 policies, Mr. Wong can enjoy 3.90% annualised return for policy in USD and 2.00% annualised return for policy in RMB, enjoying steady saving and effective wealth management.
QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) is a non-participating life insurance product with savings element and is designed to help fulfilling short term saving need. By successful online application of QuickReward and pay a lump-sum premium payment, you can receive Guaranteed Cash Value after 1 year and enjoy up to 3.90% annualised guaranteed rate of return. Please ensure your selected option is suitable for your insurance needs and expectation.
Yes, you may apply online for more than 1 Hang Seng Insurance’s QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) policy with RMB premium option. Yet QuickReward offers limited quota and if you would like to apply for more than one QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) policy with RMB premium option, please note that your total premium paid for all life insurance plans in Hang Seng Insurance cannot exceed RMB11,000,000.
QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) currently only accepts online applications.
Once you complete the online QuickReward Endowment Life Insurance Plan (1-Year) application form, you will be asked to confirm and review your details on a verify page. The same day, an acknowledgement email with reference number will be sent to the email address you provided in the application, to assure your application has been received.(852) 2198 7838 for queries.
We will notify you regarding the application notification by sending a SMS to your default mobile number on record at Hang Seng Bank after 7 to 10 working days under normal circumstances. Once the policy has been successfully processed, you can view the policy details and policy pack by logging on Hang Seng Bank Personal e-Banking (Desktop) > "Insurance" > "My insurance". If you haven't registered for Hang Seng Bank Personal e-Banking, a paper version of the policy pack will also be prepared for you. This simplified process frees you from the hassle of typical insurance applications. You can also call our hotline atYou may choose to pay your premiums in HKD or policy currency.
Policy currency |
Payment currency |
USD or HKD |
RMB or HKD |
If you choose to pay your premiums for your non-HKD policy in HKD, currency conversion is subject to the market-based prevailing exchange rate as determined by Hang Seng Insurance on the premium payment date when processing the premium payment. This exchange rate is subject to market fluctuation and will have a direct impact on the amount of the premium payment in HKD. Please ensure there are sufficient funds for premium payments in your designated payment account to avoid service charges incurred due to insufficient funds.
If you are a Hang Seng Bank Personal e-Banking customer, you can manage your policy(ies) and check policy information 24/7 via Personal e-Banking (Insurance Overview). You may also call our hotline at (852) 2596 6262 for queries about your policy.
You can find all the forms and documents here for our insurance products.