Cash Instalment helps you cash out your credit limit from credit card and disburse to your bank account for flexible use. You can repay by monthly instalment at a monthly handling fee as low as 0.18% (APR as low as 3.76%)1. Monthly repayment will be billed to your credit card account and you can settle together with other retail spending transaction in credit card statement.
Selected customers can get the cash within minutes with instant approval, no documents required2&6
Personalised monthly handling fee as low as 0.18%1
6 - 60 months flexible repayment period
Cash will be disbursed to your designated account
Selected customers can increase your credit limit instantly to withdraw more cash2&6&7
You can download Hang Seng Mobile App from the app store, then log on and go to left menu > "Cards" > "Instalment Plans" > "Cash Instalment" or call (852) 2998 6868 to apply for cash instalment.
Enjoy up to HKD 1,500 handling fee rebate3
Enjoy up to HKD1,500 handling fee rebate by applying before 9th February, 2025. View details
Home renovation Mr. Lau is planning to decorate his home for his family of three but short of cash. His budget is around HKD 100,000 and his personalised monthly handling fee is 0.18%1. He wishes to repay less than HKD 2,000 per month to soothe his financial burden, so he chooses to repay in 60 months.
Monthly repayment4 for Mr. Lau
= (Cash out amount ÷ Repayment period) + Monthly handling fee
= (HKD 100,000 ÷ 60) + (HKD 100,000 x 0.18%)
= HKD 1,846.67
Yes, it is fixed in each and every month during the repayment period of credit card instalment.
If your receiving account is not with Hang Seng, you need to provide a copy of the first page of the passbook or the latest monthly statement of that account. If additional documents are required, we will contact you by phone, SMS or email.
You can submit the relevant supporting document through any of the following channels:
You can view the Pre-payment Fee Q&A and Examples for Hang Seng Credit Card Cash Instalment Plan.
You can log on to Hang Seng Mobile App, then go to left menu > "Cards" > "Instalment Plans" > "Cash Instalment" or call (852) 2998 6868 to apply for cash instalment.
Cash Instalment and handling fee rebate
Settle the Hang Seng credit card transaction and online bill payment by instalment.
To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!