Name of Constituent Fund |
Bid price (HKD) |
Offer price (HKD) |
Source: Scheme Trustee – HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited
Please view Monthly Fund Performance Summary
Name of Constituent Fund
6 months (%)
1 year (%)
3 years (%)
5 years (%)
Since launch[3]
The above table shows the cumulative performance of the Constituent Funds under Hang Seng Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus. If you wish to know the cumulative performance of the Constituent Funds affected by the fund restructuring and/or fund rename, please read the related information.
Source: Scheme Administrator - The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
Read this quarterly report to learn about market overview, asset allocation, fund performance of the Constituent Funds under the Hang Seng Mandatory Provident Fund – SuperTrust Plus and more.
The fund fact sheets shown above are to provide historical information and are for reference only.
Use our download tools to get the historical unit prices instantly.
Historical unit prices for all Constituent Funds are available up to 1 month; while individual Constituent Funds are available up to 1 year.
Source: Scheme Trustee - HSBC Provident Fund Trustee (Hong Kong) Limited