Personal Banking WeChat Official Account


Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking WeChat Official Account ("Official Account”) is launched with an aim to enrich your digital banking experience. Follow us to enjoy the latest market trend updates, easy access to our banking product and service information as well as designated electronic messages to manage your personal finances at any time and place.

Key features

Amid fleeting market changes, regular market commentaries are available to keep you abreast of the latest news.

We offer you diversified wealth management products and services that meet your needs in different stages of life. Access our banking products and services through the Official Account, including deposit and foreign currency, mortgage and information of different types of account.

Hang Seng customers can bind your Personal e-Banking account with our Official Account and activate the WeChat Notification Service. You can receive designated electronic messages through WeChat thereafter[1]. Designated electronic messages include:

  • Notification on successful WeChat binding
  • Selected account opening notices
  • Prestige Banking Account Maintenance Fee Waiver expiry date alerts
  • Notification on Risk Profiling Questionnaire maturity

Hang Seng has one of the most extensive branch networks in town and our branch services are also available in most major MTR stations. If you are planning to open an account at a Hang Seng Bank branch, you can make a reservation via the Official Account to reduce your waiting time at our branch. If you are too busy to visit Hong Kong, you may open an account via Hang Seng Bank (China)’s witnessing arrangement available in mainland cities.

Search our branches by real-time location, district and types of service offered swiftly with branch locator.

How it works

Follow Official Account

Step 1 / 2
Scan the QR code above or search our WeChat Official Account “HangSeng_HK” /「恒生香港個人理財」
Step 1 / 4
After entering Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking Official Account, click “Banking Services" (银行服务), then choose “Account Binding / Unbinding" (账户绑定 / 解绑).
Step 1 / 4
After entering Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking Official Account, click “Banking Services" (银行服务), then choose “Account Binding / Unbinding" (账户绑定 / 解绑).
Step 1 / 3
Log on to Hang Seng Personal e-Banking from Hang Seng Bank website

Official Account

Open your WeChat App on your mobile phone,

  1. Click "+" and "Scan QR code" and scan our WeChat Official Account QR code; or
  2. Search Official Account name "恒生香港個人理財" or WeChat ID “HangSeng_HK” and then press "Follow" to follow our WeChat Official Account

Make sure the below information are correctly shown at the introduction page of “Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking” WeChat Official Account at WeChat. Account Name: 恒生香港個人理財 WeChat ID: HangSeng_HK Account Type: 恒生銀行有限公司 HANG SENG BANK LIMITED

After entering our WeChat Official Account, please ensure that the "Receive Messages" option is always turned on to allow the electronic messages to reach your WeChat account.

Account binding and unbinding

You can bind your WeChat account to “Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking” Official Account with three simple steps shown below. Upon the completion of binding process, WeChat will be your default notification channel for receiving designated electronic messages[1]. Step 1: After entering “Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking” Official Account, click “Banking Services" (银行服务), then choose “Account Binding/ Unbinding" (账户绑定 / 解绑). Step 2: Click “Account Binding" (账户绑定), and then click “Read More” at the bottom left and follow the instructions below to complete the binding process.

  1. Input your Hang Seng Personal e-Banking login information;
  2. Click “Bind” on the binding status page;
  3. Read and accept the Terms and Conditions of Notification Service;
  4. Input One-Time Verification Code;
  5. Binding completed

Step 3: Upon the completion of binding process, a confirmation page will be shown and you will receive a confirmation SMS instantly[2].

Each Personal e-Banking account can be bound to one WeChat account at a time only. A message "You are bound to “Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking” WeChat Official Account with another WeChat account" will be prompted to you if you try to bind the same account with another WeChat account. You are required to follow the binding procedure if you wish to use another WeChat account for binding.

Each WeChat account can be bound with multiple Personal e-Banking accounts. Customers will need to perform the same binding process for each Personal e-Banking account.

You can unbind from ‘Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking’ Official Account with the following two methods. Method 1 – Via “Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking” Official Account Step 1: After entering “Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking” Official Account, click “Banking Services" (银行服务), then choose “Account Binding/ Unbinding" (账户绑定 / 解绑). Step 2: Click “Account Unbinding" (解绑账户), and then click “Read More” at the bottom left and follow the instructions below to complete the unbinding process.

  1. Input your Hang Seng Personal e-Banking login information;
  2. Click “Unbind” on the binding status page;
  3. Input One-Time Verification Code;
  4. Unbinding completed
Step 3: Upon the completion of unbinding process, a confirmation page will be shown and you will receive a confirmation SMS instantly. Method 2 – Via Hang Seng Personal e-Banking (Desktop Version) Step 1: Log on to Hang Seng Personal e-Banking from Hang Seng Bank website Step 2: Select “Account Service” and click “Other Account Services”. Then, click "Request" and select “WeChat Notification Service Maintenance”. Follow the instructions below to complete the unbinding process.
  1. Click “Unbind” on the “WeChat Notification Service Maintenance” page;
  2. Input One-Time Verification Code;
  3. Unbinding completed

Step 3: Upon the completion of unbinding process, you will see an unbinding status update and receive confirmation SMS.

Once you unbind your Personal e-Banking account:

  1. The notification receiving channel will be automatically switched back to SMS
  2. The WeChat Notification service will be automatically disabled

WeChat Notification Service

WeChat Notification Service is an alternative way to receive designated electronic messages via WeChat at anytime, anywhere as long as your mobile device is connected to the Internet.

Designated electronic messages[1] include: Notification on successful WeChat binding, Selected account opening notices, Prestige Banking Account Maintenance Fee Waiver expiry date alerts and Notifications on Risk Profiling Questionnaire maturity.

The recipient will be the final approver (if applicable) of your Personal e-Banking account for the above designated electronic messages.

Step 1: Open the WeChat app Step 2: Follow our “Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking” WeChat Official Account Step 3: Bind your Personal e-Banking account to your WeChat account

The service will be activated immediately when you have successfully completed account binding. You will start to receive the designated electronic messages through the “Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking” WeChat Official Account after two working days.

You have to enable the "Receive Messages" option in your setting of “Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking” WeChat Official Account to ensure that the electronic messages can reach your WeChat account.

No, you cannot. WeChat will be automatically set as the receiving channel of designated electronic messages after your have successfully completed account binding. If you would like to use SMS as the notification channel, you have to unbind Personal e-Banking account from our WeChat Official Account.

Yes, you can. The notification receiving channel will be automatically switched back to SMS after you have unbound the account.

This WeChat Notification Service is free of charge, but please be aware of the mobile data usage charges from network provider that may incur, especially when the mobile device is being used overseas.

If your Personal e-Banking account has been bound to Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking WeChat Official Account, the receiving channel of designated electronic messages will be WeChat by default. If you unfollow Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking WeChat Official Account, but do not unbind your WeChat Account from Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking WeChat Official Account, you will continue to receive designated electronic messages via WeChat when you re-follow our WeChat Official Account. If you have unbound or never bind your Personal e-Banking account to Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking WeChat Official Account, you will continue to receive designated electronic messages from SMS.


Other point(s) to note

  1. To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!
  2. Use of “Hang Seng Hong Kong Personal Banking” WeChat Official Account and WeChat Notification Service is subject to respective terms and conditions. For details, please refer to "WeChat Official Account Terms and Conditions" and "WeChat Notification Service Terms and Conditions".


  1. The scope of designated electronic messages will be updated from time to time. Please refer to the Bank’s announcement.
  2. Customer will receive designated electronic messages through WeChat starting from two working days after the account is successfully bound.