Structured Notes (Capital Protected) linked to different underlying assets are now launched on Hang Seng Mobile App. Start investing from HKD100,000. Eligible customers who successfully subscribed via mobile can enjoy an extra 2% p.a. interest rate for the first month.
Structured note is a structured investment product issued by financial institutions and includes derivatives with different payoff structures linked to various underlying asset types, e.g. foreign exchange rate or upon early redemption. It provides investors opportunities to gain higher potential return. You can start your investment online with HKD100,000.
Digital Coupon Notes on USD / HKD is a structured product linked to the performance of USD against HKD foreign exchange rate. It offers 100% capital protection and minimum return at maturity. If the trigger event occurs on valuation date, you can receive additional trigger bonus at maturity.
Subscription channel: Branch, Mobile
Subscription details
Investment amount
Investment tenor
1 year
Linked assets
USD/HKD spot exchange rate
Trigger event
USD / HKD spot exchange rate is at or above limit (i.e. 7.80) on valuation date
Minimum bonus
3.00% flat rate
Trigger bonus
0.10% flat rate
When you subscribe
You invest HKD 100,000
At maturity
You receive 100% of your principal and both minimum and trigger bonus, a total of HKD103,100
Your return
HKD100,000 ✕ (3.00% + 0.10%) = HKD3,100When you subscribe
You invest HKD100,000
At maturity
You receive 100% of your principal and minimum bonus, a total of HKD103,000
Your returns
HKD100,000 ✕ 3.00% = HKD3,000
Callable Linear Bonus Coupon Note is a structured product linked to interest rate, it offers 100% capital protection and coupon payment at maturity or upon issuer’s early redemption. A one-off bonus coupon will be paid if certain conditions is fulfilled.
Subscription channel: Branch, Mobile
Subscription details
Investment amount
Investment tenor
5 years
Linked assets
Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR)
Linear coupon
3.80% per annum without compounding
Linear coupon payment date
Upon issuer's optional redemption or at maturity
Bonus coupon payment date
One year after issue date
Issuer’s Optional Redemption
Issuer has the right to redeem the note one year after issue date, and on the same date in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th year
At maturity
You receive 100% of your principal and accrued linear coupon (3.80% ✕ 5 years), a total of USD23,800
Your return
USD20,000 ✕ (3.80% ✕ 5 years) = USD3,800
Total receivable (principal and gain)
You receive 100% of your principal and maximum potential gain (including max bonus coupon), a total of USD23,900
Your total return
USD100 + 3,800 = USD3,900
Upon early redemption
You receive 100% of your principal and accrued linear coupon (3.80% ✕ 1 year), a total of USD20,760
Your return
USD20,000 ✕ (3.80% ✕ 1 year) = USD760
Total receivable (principal and gain)
You receive 100% of your principal and minimum gain, a total of USD20,760
Your total return
Floating Rate Coupon Note is a structured product linked to the performance of interest rate, the product offers 100% capital protection at maturity, coupon are distributed every quarter in general. It also offers minimum returns and opportunities to enjoy higher potential returns, up to a cap.
Subscription channel: Branch
Subscription details
Investment amount
Investment tenor
1 years
Linked assets
3.50% p.a.
2.50% p.a.
Coupon frequency
Every 3 months
Day count factor
Total receivable (principal and gain) at maturity
When you subscribe
You invest USD20,000
On a coupon payment date
Your coupon will be calculated based on capped coupon, i.e. USD175
Your coupon amount
USD20,000 ✕ 3.50% ✕ 90/360 = USD175
When you subscribe
You invest USD20,000
On a coupon payment date
Your coupon will be calculated based on coupon rate equal to linked interest rate, i.e. USD165
Your coupon amount
USD20,000 ✕ 3.30% ✕ 90/360 = USD165
When you subscribe
You invest USD20,000
On a coupon payment date
Your coupon will be calculated based on floored coupon, i.e. USD125
Your coupon amount
USD20,000 ✕ 2.50% ✕ 90/360 = USD125
Invest in Capital protected products and enjoy higher potential returns while managing risk
Open an integrated account and activate your investment account via Hang Seng Mobile App with ease[2]
Comprehensive Structured Notes (Capital Protected) experience is just a few steps away[3]