Hang Seng Olive - Your always-on health companion


Hang Seng Olive is our brand new health app serving as a wellness platform with health information and services at your fingertips, created in partnership with Quality HealthCare and CUHK Medical Centre. Embark on a health management journey with Olive and earn rewards by walking, to take your first step towards a fit life. An Olive a day, wellness and rewards all in one place.

Key features

After successfully synchronising your devices with Olive, you can track your step count and monitor your health data, including heart rate, Body Mass Index (BMI) and activity to achieve better health management.

Invite your friends and challenge each other on wellness app - Hang Seng Olive. Earn rewards by walking with a daily step target of 10,000 consecutively and don't forget to claim your Olive Points. More points, more wellness rewards.

Let's walk and earn rewards now.

Hang Seng Olive offers dependable and convenient delivery of professional health contents, such as multi-dimensional articles and videos where VIP and Bronze Members enjoy different privileges. Selected membership tiers can even enjoy complimentary virtual workshops from Quality HealthCare Medical Services (QHMS). The higher your membership tier, the more content you can access, catering to every aspect of your health management needs.

Live a wholesome lifestyle by choice anytime.

If you're becoming more conscious about health management, Olive is surely your preferred health companion to transform healthy life into Olive Points and wellness rewards.

Besides being a Bronze member, you can also upgrade as a VIP Gold or VIP Silver Member with a Hang Seng Invitation Key to unlock an array of well-being services. The higher your membership tier, the more beneficial the Olive Points and discount offers.

Redeem your Olive Points for vouchers to achieve discounts and free health services or products from our wellness partners. Olive members are entitled to exclusive offers which will be updated throughout the year.

And that's not limited to your physical wellbeing, it also benefits your financial fitness. Via Seamless redirection to Hang Seng website from Olive, you can learn more about our insurance plans or schedule an eAppointment with our branch to open a Hang Seng account. Your physical and financial fitness are in good hands with Olive.

As your one-stop wellness platform on the path to excellent health, Olive presents seamless e-booking options by redirecting you to our wellness partner's platform when you need it.

Feeling unwell or just need a regular check-up? Schedule an appointment with ease. Our wellness partner now offers clinic and virtual consultation e-bookings.

Hang Seng Olive

An Olive a day, wellness and rewards all in one place.

How it works

Olive wellness dashboard, health topic and challenges

Olive Wellness Dashboard

Step 1 / 5
Click "Connect" to allow Olive access to your device's health data. New users can enjoy 100 Olive Points by authorising and linking with Olive.

Health topics and challenges

Step 1 / 2
Click the "filter" icon to select your favourite health management topics and stay tune in to Olive's health content, like articles, videos and virtual workshops.
Step 1 / 4
Open Hang Seng Olive and tap “Register/Sign In“ at the top left.
Step 1 / 3
View "FinFit" page and stay tune to our limited-time-only offers, which are exclusive to Olive members.

Upgrade membership tier & voucher redemption

Customers can automatically upgrade to designated Hang Seng Olive membership tier via Hang Seng Personal Banking mobile app, and enjoy exclusive health services, rewards, and privileges.

Upgrade membership tier

Step 1 / 4
You can select "My Insurance" under "Insurance" from left menu of Hang Seng Mobile App. Click "Explore now" under "Your always-on health companion" section to enter Hang Seng Olive for membership upgrade.

Membership details & voucher redemption

Step 1 / 2
Select "Explore Privileges" on "My Profile" page, you can view your membership details, Olive Points balance and voucher redemption under "Membership Tier". Tap "Redeem" to redeem your vouchers.

Credit card binding & points conversion

In order to reward customers for living a healthier life, when you are an Olive VIP Gold / Silver member and have bound your Hang Seng Credit Card to Hang Seng Olive, Olive Points you earned by completing health tasks can be converted to Hang Seng Credit Card +FUN Dollars, lets you to enjoy healthy life with various offers.

Credit card binding

Step 1 / 4
Tap "My Profile" "Points Conversion".

Points conversion

Step 1 / 5
If you have bound your Hang Seng Credit Card, you can tap "My Profile" "Points Conversion".
Step 1 / 3
You can view QHMS offers exclusive in Hang Seng Olive on "eShop", simply tap "Purchase at Wellness eShop" to learn more about products and purchase them.


Popular questions

Yes, you need to download Hang Seng Olive App to use services of this platform. Simply download it by scanning the above QR code or searching "Hang Seng Olive" in app store of your device.

  1. Tap “Download Hang Seng Olive App for Android device”
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions to download “Hang Seng Olive” App.
  3. Once it is downloaded, select the file to proceed installation (Please ensure your device allows installation from “Unknown Sources”).
  4. Tap “Install” to start installation of Hang Seng Olive.
  5. Tap "Open" to use the Hang Seng Olive.

Yes. Hang Seng Olive is open to the public, so you can use this wellness platform even if you're not our customer. However, you must be our customer to receive the Hang Seng Invitation Key and upgrade to VIP Gold or VIP Silver member. Eligible customers can now upgrade their membership tier automatically by logging on to Hang Seng Olive via Hang Seng Mobile App.

A Hang Seng Invitation Key is a unique code. As a Hang Seng Bank or Hang Seng Insurance customer, you can get this Invitation Key and automatically upgrade to the designated membership tier by redirecting to Hang Seng Olive from Hang Seng Personal Banking mobile app. The code will also be sent to you via email or SMS. You can contact your Relationship Manager with any enquiries.


Olive supports pairing only with Apple Health and Huawei Health apps for the most accurate step tracking. You may pair other Android devices with Mobile Step Counter, which is pre-installed on all Android devices. If you own any smart watches, such as Apple Watch or any compatible models, simply pair them with Apple Health app, then connect them with Hang Seng Olive so your steps can be synchronised.

No. Hang Seng Olive is a separate app from the Hang Seng Personal Banking mobile app. However, by redirecting to Hang Seng Olive from Hang Seng Personal Banking mobile app, you can get the Invitation Key to upgrade to designated membership tier (if eligible).

Yes. To purchase or make e-bookings, you will need to be first redirected to wellness partner’s platform. They will automatically create a new account on their platform based on your profile in Hang Seng Olive. Even if you have an existing account, the one created via Olive will be independent.

Olive Points conversion

This function is applicable to Hang Seng Olive VIP Gold and VIP Silver Members. They may bind an eligible credit card issued by Hang Seng to their Olive member account in Hang Seng Olive. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions in Hang Seng Olive App for more details.

Every 200 Olive Points can be converted to $1 +FUN Dollar. For more details about conversion, please refer to the Terms and Conditions in Hang Seng Olive App.

After conversion of Olive Points is verified and confirmed, the corresponding Olive Points will be deducted instantly from Olive member account, and will be displayed in “My Points” in Hang Seng Olive. +FUN Dollars will be automatically credited to the bound credit card account within 24 hours. Olive members can log on to Hang Seng Personal e-Banking and view the record.

Useful information

Hang Seng Olive App

Hang Seng Olive Mini-program

Need more help?

Call Customer Service Hotline


Other point(s) to note

  1. Hang Seng Olive App (the “App”) is intended for individuals who access it from within Hong Kong, and is not intended for download or use by persons in any jurisdiction where such download or use would be contrary to any law or regulation of such jurisdiction or where Hang Seng Bank Limited (the “Bank”) is not licensed or authorised to provide the App and/or any of the features, services and information provided through the App (“Services”).
  2. The Bank does not represent or warrant that the App and/or the Services are appropriate or permitted or available for use outside Hong Kong.
  3. Please do not use the App and/or the Services if you are outside Hong Kong.
  4. By agreeing to and downloading the App, users shall not make modifications, additions, deletions to or make derivative works of the App. Reproduce, distribute, resell, sublicense, any part or the whole of the App is strictly prohibited. Users shall be liable to any loss or damage caused by the above events to themselves.
  5. Android, Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.
  6. Apple, the Apple logo, and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the US and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.