Malware are designed to infiltrate, damage or obtain information from a mobile or computer device without the owner’s consent. These include spywares, computer viruses and Trojan horses.
Spyware is a type of software that is installed on a device, without permission from user. It could monitor and record device user's device user information / internet behaviour by hiding its malicious purpose. It collects and transmits the gathered information (for example, personal credentials including user name, password and credit card numbers, etc.) to unauthorised third parties for own benefits.
Besides, various viruses can pose security threats to the device users. A virus may contain destructive code that can move into multiple programmes, data files or devices on a system and spread through multiple systems in a network, resulting in the malfunction of the devices and loss of the data.
There is one more type of malware called trojan horse. It can masquerade as innocent programme, take control of your device and perform illicit operations unnoticed by the users.
To prevent the invasion of malicious software, please consider taking the below measures:
If you suspect that malicious software has already invaded your device, please consider taking the below measures: