Getting back to you
Administrator will acknowledge receipt of your concerns by the next business day and aim to resolve most issues within 5 business days. Occasionally we may need more time and we'll keep you informed.
We may refer your opinions or complaints to Hang Seng Bank's Customer Relations for further handling (if applicable). Customer Relations will try to respond on the next business day after receiving your opinions or complaints. If more time is needed to look into the matter, Customer Relations will advise you of the contact details of the person following up on your case and will strive to reply to you within 30 days. All your opinions and complaints will be reflected to the management of Hang Seng MPF.
Handling your complaint
Your complaint will be handled with complete confidentiality by our experienced and authorised teams who have not been directly involved in the subject matter.
If a complaint is raised by a third party, we will get back to you to protect your privacy.
If your complaint is upheld, we will provide appropriate resolution, which may not necessarily involve financial compensation.
Further follow up
If you're unhappy with our decision, you can request a review of your case by management at a higher level.
For monetary disputes, you may also refer your case to the Financial Dispute Resolution Center (FDRC), Room 408-409, 4/F, West Wing, Justice Place, 11 Ice House Street, Central, Hong Kong.