Hang Seng MPF To pay less tax is everyone's dream... That has now come true! Make tax deductible voluntary contributions to enjoy potential tax savings*^ and bonus unit rebates*! View details *Investment involves risks.  Terms and conditions apply ^The actual tax savings depend on your personal circumstances (opens in a new window)

Participating in Hang Seng MPF


We understand that you are working hard to secure your golden days in the future. That's why we, dedicated to being your trusted MPF partner, offer a wide range of MPF services designed to help you to achieve your investment goals at all stages of life.


Self-employed Persons

For enquiries, please contact us via Hang Seng MPF Direct on 2997 2838. Our customer service representatives are pleased to handle the MPF scheme application for you.


Employee can fill in the following form then pass to the employer. The employer would send the form to the Administrator of Hang Seng MPF, The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited to proceed the registration.
- Employee Application Form (HA61).


In addition, Hang Seng MPF provides Hang Seng MPF Overview to help members in understanding more about general MPF’s scheme features, Constituent Fund information and general MPF information. Our Member Service Guide also provides information in managing your MPF account.


Download Member Service Guide

Download Hang Seng MPF Overview


Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. The value of financial instruments, in particular stocks and shares, and any income from such financial instruments, may go down as well as up. For further details including the product features and risks involved, please refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure.

Contact Us

Hang Seng MPF Hotline Make an e-Appointment
Existing MPF Customers Make a reservation online and meet with our MPF Specialists at designated branches
- Employers: 2288 6822
- Members / Self-employed persons: 2213 2213
- HKSARG Employees: 2269 2269
Non-existing MPF Customers
- Enquiries / Apply for Hang Seng MPF: 2997 2838