Email us

Write email

Verify your message


Step 1 of 3
Please do not enquire about or give instructions on any banking transactions in your email. The content will be encrypted to ensure security and confidentiality. You can also click on our Virtual Assistant H A R O icon at the bottom right of this page for quicker responses. If you want to chat directly with our customer service representative online, please enter "CS" in the H A R O dialog box.

Personal information

Are you an existing Hang Seng customer? (Optional)

Subsection starts

Subsection ends

Message details

I have a question about

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Subsection ends

Subsection starts

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Subsection starts

Areas of interest (Optional)

Subsection ends

Subsection starts

Subsection ends

Subsection starts

Subsection ends

Subsection starts

Subsection ends

Subsection starts

Subsection ends

Your message to us
Please keep your message within 3,000 characters. You can still enter 3,000 more characters now.


Here is a summary of your message. You can click "Back" to edit.

Personal information

Are you an existing Hang Seng customer?

Message details

I have a question about
Areas of interest
Company Name
Job Title
Want to know more about Banking Services?
Chat with HARO (Open in a new window)